“Look what the masses do and do the complete opposite”. That is the secret of success told to my business partner, by his mentor nearly two decades ago. Today, as I work with sales organizations across diverse industries and countries, I can see the truth of that philosophy. The high performers in sales operate in totally different ways than the masses. I have come to see that there is a recipe of behaviors, philosophy, and practices in sales that guarantees failure, and a different set that guarantees success. 

Below I offer the main ingredients for you to be the worst in your sales team. If that is not where you are intending to be, take note and do the opposite.  To be the worst in sales follow these practices:

1. Don’t Be Punctual

The first indication of reliability, dependability, and believability is being punctual, showing up when you say you’re going to show up. Customers place significant value on this as they desperately try to avoid being played by salespeople. Practice not being on time if you want to suffer in sales.

2. Forget About Being Prepared

Why waste time planning, practicing, or roleplaying? It is OK to show up and throw up, to fly by the seat of your pants, to be as surprised as the customer about what comes out of your mouth, to wing it. This is a surefire plan to fail. Go for it.

3. Have a Bad Attitude

Operate as if you are doing the prospect a favor. Behave as if they can take it or leave it, no problem. Be indifferent, rude, and short with them if you want to be out of a job or close your business soon. 

4. Fumble with Your Words

The salesperson who cannot express himself with confidence and fluency will find it difficult to gain the trust and confidence of people. If you lack the skill to greet the prospect, introduce yourself with assurance, and respond effectively when engaged, building your pipeline will be painstakingly slow. 

5. Refuse to Listen or Understand the Customer

There is nothing more irritating to the consumer than having a salesperson who talks on and on and on, barely asks enough questions to understand their needs, and does not let them in to ask a few questions.

6. Don’t Learn and Grow

Why bother to read at least 1 book a year on sales, or register for a sales training course, or focus on your personal development, or find a mentor or coach. What’s the point of getting better every day when you can chill, know enough to just get by and be unchallenged as the worst?

7. Forget Setting Goals

Goal setting is for optimists, for people who want more out of life, for people who believe they deserve more, and for people willing to think bigger and take bigger action. If you are vying for the worst in sales, just go with the flow, and forget having any meaningful goals.

So now you know the surefire path to failure and mediocre result in sales. I have a warning for the “average” salespeople. Being average in sales is not very different from being or operating at the level of the “worst”. So don’t play that game. 

If you are in sales, we challenge you to go for excellence or nothing at all.

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